December 05, 2010

Weekend Round-up

This post doesn't have a particular theme, rather it is a round-up of some of the things I did this weekend.  On Saturday I hit the thrifts, but only made one purchase for $1.  This Moosewood 'cookbook', or rather recipe-easel....
I love the Moosewood cookbooks. This is now my fourth.  In fact, I made potato Latkes and gingered beets this weekend from my Sundays at Moosewood book.

After the thrift shops, I ended up at the United Church for a tea and bazaar.  I never quite know what bazaar means; I had hoped for used goods, but it was a craft and bake sale.  Nevertheless, I wasn't disappointed.  I bought some Christmas crackers from some crafty kids....
 I usually make my own, but it ruins the surprise.  Now, I'll have to wait until Christmas to find out what is inside!  I also bought some baking and pickled carrots.  I arrived about ten minutes after the bazaar opened and it was busy, things were flying off tables.  The parking lot was so packed, that there was a fender bender behind me as I was leaving!  I guess people in my small town are starved for Christmas crafts!
Today I wrapped up the last of the gifts that I have to send away.  I haven't purchased new wrapping paper for about a decade.  Hus and I always unwrap our gifts carefully, so as to reuse the paper.  I love Christmas, but hate the waste that goes with it.  But, I did make one recent wrapping paper purchase - thrifted of course!
I think this paper is from the 1980s.  It is very cheerful, but I'm not sure if I can ever come to actually use it.  That is the one bad thing about vintage paper goods.


acorn hollow said...

I work in a used book store and teh moosewood cookbooks when ever they come in fly off the shelf. I love the paper i would have a hard time using it also.
have a great day

Maria Stahl said...

I came over here from Practice in Time. Be sure you try the Cheesy Potato Soup from Moosewood, I'm thinking it's the More Recipes one. It's an all-time fave around here. Super rich.