April 29, 2010

Belated Birthday Cake

It was my Birthday on Sunday!  

I already posted about the early birthday gift my sister gave me; this cute recipe box full of vintage recipes and clippings.  So, I made my first recipe out of it.  It was for 'Sunday Morning Coffee Cake.'  I have never seen instructions for "sprinkling" batter, so I should have expected something unusual.  The end results looks kind of weird but the cake was good.  Hus agreed with me that it tasted like something an old lady would make.  So I suppose that means the recipe was a success! And super easy too!

Hus gave me a Nikon Coolpix 15X zoom camera; so these should be the last 2 photos on this blog taken from my iphone.  Now I just have to learn how to take pictures with my new camera and upload them.

1 comment:

acorn hollow said...

Happy Birthday! The coffee cake is funky but if it tasts ok then it is a success! Post more things from the box later.So much fun to see what there was in someones favorites.