April 25, 2012

Happy Birthday to...

Bought a package of 8 of these vintage invites at
the Sally Ann for 25 cents
I wanted to show you these cute invitations I bought, but unfortunately I haven't sent them out.  My birthday wish this year is to be left alone.  I know that sounds horrible, but I've had a stressful few weeks and really just wanted some downtime.  So I took the day off today, haven't answered the phone or checked e-mail, slept in until 9:00, and didn't get out of my pyjamas until 2:00.  But, I'll take birthday greetings later tonight.
Tonight Hus will take me out for dinner, then we'll probably come home and start watching his gift to me.  Season one of Game of Thrones
I received a few other gifts some weeks ago when we were back in our hometown for Easter.  My sister gave me these really cute Matryoshka doll lunch containers, and my mother-in-law bought me the most awesome high-waisted sailor pants at Sears. My parents also bought me some new PJs. Thanks everyone!
Next year is the big 40, so that milestone birthday party will make up for this lack-lustre one!

April 15, 2012

Sundresses and Vanity Sizing/Size Inflation

Last Spring I thrifted a bunch of new (to me) sundresses, but they didn't see the light of day since we had such a horrid and cold summer in British Columbia.  But, when we went to Mexico in February, I finally got to wear them.  Hopefully, I'll get more chances this summer.  Two are vintage (late 1980s) and the other one is newer - but all are made in Canada.
First the vintage ones...
 I got this one at a clothing swap fundraiser for a donation of $2.  Made by Les Mode Jolibel Inc, is is 100% cotton.  Notice how snug and well-fitting it is?  Size 10.  It is totally something I would have worn back in the day.  When my mom (who was in Mexico with us) saw it, she said I looked like I did back in the 1980s.  I take that as a complement!

 This one was purchased at Value Village in Coquitlam, BC for about $17. I love the pattern.  Although it feels like linen, it is also 100% cotton made by Seaqueen beachwear and swimwear.  I have a little shrug that dresses it up nicely.  It is also a size 10.  I also love that both of these vintage dresses have pockets.  So handy!

And finally the new one....
 This is Joseph Ribkoff, a Canadian design house that has been around since 1957.  Purchased at Value Village in Prince George, BC for about $15.  No pockets, and a synthetic material.  It also fits my torso well, but as compared to the size 10 1980s dresses, this one is a size 4!  Obviously, there is some discrepancy here.

And it is not just this dress. I have recently purchased a pair of jeans in a size 4, a few skirts, and many tops.  There is some controversy whether this trend is 'vanity sizing' (manufacturers purposely putting smaller sizes on clothing so vain consumers purchase the clothing) or 'size inflation' (manufacturers changing their sizing to reflect today's 'average' which is heavier and taller than it used to be).  Of course, studies show that even men's trousers (ostensibly measured in inches) do not reflect an accurate measurement.  A size "31" may actually measure as a "35."

All I know is that I never wore a size 4 when I reached adulthood and started shopping for myself.  Twenty years later, even with changing sizes, I still can't think of myself as a size 4.  I prefer to think of myself as a perfect (size) 10! Ha Ha! 

April 12, 2012

Spreading the Liebster Award Love...

This morning I received notice from the lovely Hausfrau at http://hausfraujournal.blogspot.ca/ that she has bestowed upon me a Liebster Blog Award. This is given to blogs with less than 200 followers!  

Danke Schoen, Hausfrau!  Although I haven't been posting too much lately, it is nice to be recognized AND this is my very first blog award!

The Hausfrau has been posting since October and her posts from the 'old country' about German vintage fashion, appliances and housewares are great.  As a child of German immigrants, I love seeing the things my parents might have grown up with, and I'm a fan of the ascetic.  Check it out; she posts about some really fascinating things.  And she may be interested in this West German Jute table runner, my mom just gave me....
Once it is ironed, it will be great at Christmas.
The colours are much brighter in real life.
Once the award is given, each recipient is to carry on the tradition by honouring five other small blogs.  In no particular order, I would like to pass on the award to (drumroll please)...

1. Daydreaming in Turquoise at http://daydreaminginturquoise.blogspot.ca/ 

I love Sarah's blog name, and I find her posts also pique my interest.  Yes she loves turquoise, but she writes about various things (not all turquoise related).  She is always trolling Etsy and Pinterest to show her readers the most absurd and interesting things.  Many of the posts are about appreciating the small things in life like baking and cooking in vintage pyrex!

2. Living Rich on the Cheap at http://livingrichonthecheap.blogspot.ca/

I only recently found Cheapchick's blog.  She is currently writing about relocating from Alberta to Vancouver Island.  One of her recent posts was about the bountiful seafood to be had on the West Coast.  I can relate.  I also enjoy her thrifting finds and budget updates.  She really lives up to her blog name.

3. Retro Fashion is my Passion at http://retrofashionismypassion.blogspot.ca/ 

This blog is the last one that I joined to follow.  The author writes with a lot of humour about vintage fashion and hairdos, but the blog is about a lot more, like her Etsy business and decorating her home.  I also like that the cleanness of her blog and that she includes just the right amount of photographs.

4. The Creekhouse at http://thecreekhouseblog.blogspot.ca/ 

Lovers of mid-century, go here pronto!  Jenny is an elementary school teacher and an Etsy entrepreneur.  She mainly posts about what housewares and collectables she finds to stock her store.  But what finds they are!  Arabia of Finland, Dansk, and Marimekko are some of the Scandinavian brands she finds.  Who would have known that Colorado would yield such amazing mid-century. 

5. Thrift Shopper for Peace at http://thriftshopperforpeace.wordpress.com/ 

This is another blog from my home province of British Columbia, and the author intellectualizes thrift shopping like I do.  Read her 'about' page to see what I mean.  Her most recent post was about disappearing bookstores and books.  She also 'reviews' thrift stores from around Vancouver and the lower mainland, and from her visits to other parts of Canada and abroad. 

So my lieblings, congratulations and pass on the award to 5 blogs you cherish that have less than 200 followers.