August 25, 2011

Friday's Freebies: Kale

Friends of ours just went on holidays, so they gave us some farmer's market kale that had to be used up.  I love kale when other people make it, but am a little inexperienced with it myself.  So I thought the easiest thing would be to make kale chips, which involves tossing bite-size pieces of kale in some olive oil and salt and baking for about 15 minutes until you have dry and crunchy 'chips.'  They are actually quite crispy, but obviously not as heavy as potato chips.
In the Oven

Crispy Snack from the Bowl
 If you make them, I would recommend brushing (or at least checking) your teeth afterwards.  Hus and I were laughing at the dark green flecks left on our front teeth after eating them!  At least it showed we were eating our greens!


1 comment:

acorn hollow said...

I am not sure I ever had kale.
but that sounds like it should be good.